Thursday, October 22, 2009

How to organize your portfolio

Papers, papers, papers. Students often feel overwhelmed by the number of papers they receive from their teachers and it may seem that throwing them in the boot of their car is the best solution. However, it is actually quite easy to organize your class notes into a neat portfolio. Let me outline the steps.

First, find all your papers. You can look for missing papers on the HD1 website. You can also ask a friend and photocopy his papers. Second, sort your papers into logical division’s e.g. reading, writing, and listening. Next, put your papers into the different sections. After that, buy a binder and some colored dividers. Write section headings for the dividers and match them with a table of contents page. Finally, make a label for the side of the binder. Include important information e.g. class code, name etc.

As we have seen it is easy to make a portfolio. You will be proud of your neat, well-organized work.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to make a cup of tea

Making a cup of tea is a quite easy procedure, but you have to do it in the right way. If you follow these steps very carefully you will make a good cup of tea.

First fill the kettle with water. Second switch the kettle on. Then boil the water. After that put that teabags or tealeaves into the teapot and it depends on what you prefer. Next pour the boiling water into the teapot. Then stir the water with a spoon. The step after that is that you have to pour the tea into the teacup. The next step depends on you: if you want to add something to the tea or not. If you want to add something you can add some milk, sugar or mint as you prefer. Finally stir the tea and enjoy it.

Making a cup of tea is a quite easy procedure and if you follow the steps above you will make a delicious cup of tea.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to make a butter

Making butter is quite a long and difficult procedure and you need to follow all the steps very carefully. If you do so, you will produce high quality butter.

Firstly, check the milk for quality and fat content. Second leave the milk and wait until it cools. Then you have to separate the cream from the milk. The next step is that you churn the cream that you separated from the milk. After that drain the butter milk from the butter. Then place the butter in a jar. The next step is that you wash the butter with cold water and this step is very important to remove the remaining buttermilk. Then add a small amount of salt for flavor. After that cut and wrap the butter. The last step is that you store the butter in a fridge.

Making butter is quite a long and difficult procedure, but if you follow the steps above very carefully you will produce butter easily.